As seen in Forbidden Fruit
Copyright 2008, Rain Enterprises / Tilly Rivers Inc.
Her blonde hair was shorter then that of her auburn friend. The Garden Warriors were not as small as traditional fairies in height, while human in form their magical powers included the ability to blend in with the trees and garden shadows as if invisible.
Their beauty and form caused resentment and rivalry. Sadly even among the other fairies, pixies and sprites of their realm and home. “It is not fair” they would whine to the Gods and Goddess “Why do they have to be so beautiful and have such powers?”
Their answer was always this “The powers and beauty of the pair run deep, used only for the protection of what is theirs to safe keep.”
The strife became more and more unbearable and the two spent more and more time in the enchanted gardens alone, bathing in the water falls and letting the sun and wind kiss their skin instead of going back to the village. Always keeping, always protecting the true secret of the fairy dust to themselves and the trees.
They took their roles of being the guardians of the scared gardens and mystic waterfall very seriously. They loved this magical place, and the place loved them, worshiped them and gave them all they ever needed.
They were happy here.
Everything mystic in this world knew the names of the two dryad-like divinities, they knew their magic was stronger than any other source, yet it was always a temptation for all to want to try to seduce, trick or capture them for their own greedy needs.
All sought their power, none had succeeded.
This day the two were hidden, merged with the shadows and trees watching the two strangers who had dared to enter their water falls. The two communicated without the need of voice; their thoughts were one.
Disguised as the wind they watched these strangers. Once as youngsters they remembered a story being told of creatures called man. Two types of sexes like them, their forms shaped as them, but these creatures did not possess magical powers nor did they understand or respect the powers of life.
The red haired imp smiled and Violet understood her humor. “Yes Lily“she whispered on the wings of the wind to her friend “round ears are rather odd.”
That however is where “odd” ended.
These two were the men of their species, bodies sculptured. “Warriors of their land?” Lily’s breathe caught in her throat “Why do you think they are here Violet?”
“A danger to the garden? Us?”
“No, they no nothing of this place, they are human.”
“May we play with them? Please Violet I feel the matching desire in you. You are wet with the thought, eager as I am.”
“Only if we can disguise who we are Lily for they must never know the truth of this place.” Violet stepped from the shadows tucking her hair around the tops of her ears carefully before walking to the edge of the falls where the men stood with their backs to them.
Lily too disguised her ears before stepping behind Violet, they watched as the two men scooped handfuls of water and dumped it over their heads using their hands as buckets. Each of the garden warriors looked down, their hands small in comparison.
Droplets of the water slid down hard muscle, caressing their flesh and the two shivered with anticipation and need of what was to come.
“Who are you and why have you not asked permission to be here?” Violet asked sternly.
A man with the dark hair turned sharply, no one had ever been able to take them unaware before, his shock quickly turned to a lingering stare.
“Can you not speak?” Lily mimicked Violets tone.
The other man with hair the color of ginger root also turned to see what danger had come upon them.
His eyes meet that of a blonde goddess first, than that of a red headed beauty. Perfect was the word that pooped in his mind, two stunningly, perfect, very naked women stood on the edge of the pool before them.
His head dropped back tot he water, was it an illusion? Was the water enchanted? “We did not realize this beautiful place belonged to you my ladies” Ginger root told them “If you wish we can leave.”
Lily’s legs trembled slightly in need. Leaving was not what they would be doing anytime soon. “It is not that easy, first you must pay a toll for being here.”
“A toll?” the dark haired man spoke for the first time. “What is the toll?’
“You must do our bidding.” Lily spoke
The men looked at each other and than the ladies in front of them. “No disrespect mind, but ladies we could leave without paying any toll, let alone your bidding.”
“You could try.” Violet challenged.
The man with the ginger hair held up his hands “Tell me your bidding. We will not harm a maiden.”
“Come kneel before us” Lily commanded boldly no longer capable of waiting to feel his tongue upon her swollen nub.
The dark haired man looked at his friend waiting for direction. Was he a servant? With a wisp of a smile Ginger root took a step toward the blonde and knelt before her. Lily watched as the dark haired one did the same, kneeling at her bare feet.
It was the dark haired one that smelled her need and he smiled and relaxed, leaning in he kissed her nakedness, just above her hidden treasure.
“Do not touch her without permission.” Violet told the dark haired man.
“Who's permission do we seek my lady? Her's or yours?” Ginger root asked.
“Is this what you want beautiful one?” The dark haired one asked, not waiting or caring who he had to ask. “Do you want me to make you shiver with my mouth and tongue?”
Lilly jerked her head up and down.
“Lay upon the grass for me than and open your legs for my hunger.”
“You are here to do our bidding.” Violet commanded.
“What is your command than beauty?”
These men needed to realize who was in charge. Lily told Violet silently.
“First you are to only watch.” Lily answered for them.
“Watch?” the dark haired man asked huskily.
Lily leaned her pelvis closer to the dark haired man; she would relish teaching him a lesson in manners. Moments before he moved in closer she stepped back from his reach.”Yes” she purred, “Watch” she smiled “and learn?” her voice challenged. Putting her hand around Violet's hip she turned her towards her. Running her finger slowly down Violet's collarbone to her breast, Lily flicked Violet's nipple.
Indrawn breaths of need from the men echoed in her ears before she bent slightly to take the nipple she had been playing with in her mouth. Violet’s head fall back slightly. “Yes Lily” she told her “Pleasure me.”
Violet’s hands caressed Lily up, then down, slowly resting on her sweet wet mound-wet and waiting for her touch. Violet placed her finger on Lily’s clit “You are so swollen.”
Lily's finger darted into Violet, “As are you?” Lily smiled at the dark haired one “Do you want to touch her?” she asked “Do you want to see how wet. Swollen and ready she is for your mouth now?”
“No” Ginger root spoke, “Only I will be touching that one.”
Violet’s eyebrow rose “You do not share?”
He jerked his head up and down. “But not this time.”
Violet looked at the other man “You can taste me first” she told him. “Lay down Lily and let him” she pointed to Ginger root, “taste you.”
“No” he told her again. “He will not disobey me lady” his glare was hard, “It will be me or no one.”
Quickly Lily laid on natures bed of moss and opened her legs for the dark haired one's mouth. 'No one', the words echoed, no, no, she was aching to be pleasured from this male. Any male. It had been so long.
Ginger root stared up at the female warrior before him and waited, the dark haired one did not move. Again Violet thought- servant?
It was Lily's silent pleas, begging Violet to agree that won her over, with a short nod of her head she gave her consent.
The dark haired one needed no further urging, placing his mouth hungrily on Lily's hairless pussy.
Violet ignored ginger root and laid beside Lily and the dark haired man, she looked at ginger root a hard glare- just before she was going to place her mouth over Lily’s breast.
Large hands lifted her up. “I said no one.” he growled. Lifting her body up with his powerful arms he licked her breasts, claiming her with his fierce tongue, in two quick strides she was laying on the grass a few feet away from the other mating couple. Ginger root looked into her eyes and waited...a battle of wills...until finally Violet sighed.
He moaned, wanting that first taste of tongue to clit. God but she was wet, tight, and heaven. Violet moaned. “Do you want more?”
“Yes.” she breathed “Please yes” placing her hands on ginger roots head she pushed him down “Do you want to taste more?”
Violet spread her legs wider and gasped as his mouth eagerly bite at her swollen nub before plunging his tongue deep into her pussy.
Lily turned her face towards Violet. Her desire seeping into the other's pores.
Ginger root grabbed Violet's chin and yanked her thoughts back to him. “Only me” he commanded, “Mine.” he growled in hunger.
She pulled back slightly from the man’s mouth “Only you?” She asked, and ginger root nodded- “Come to me- feed me your cock,” she opened her mouth, and he filled it to the hilt, his balls against her chin.
The tip of Violet's tongue ran up the man’s balls and back down again until ginger root was sure he was going to explode his cum down the blonde’s mouth loosing all self control.
“Enter me” she commanded the man mouth fucking her. “Put your hardness deep into me.”
“Enter me” Lily told the dark haired one at the same time.
Bodies interlocked. Lily looked over at her lover, her friend Violet, eyes locked, she smiled reaching the edge of desire and tipped over to the other side.
“Fuck” ginger root growled, knowing that Violet too had reached climax. Was it him, or was it the red-headed woman that tipped the blonde over the edge?
Ginger root stirred from his sleep, his now naked skin dry from the sun, his servant Jon a few feet beside him, still asleep. He had the oddest dream- so very erotic—could it of...no- garden warrior fairies?
That was truly a myth...right?
The trees and wind swayed.
Had he just heard a