Q:Where are you from?
A:Ontario, Canada
Q:Tell us your latest news?
A:Forbidden Fruit will be released in the fall of 2008. This will be my final release.
Q:When and why did you begin writing?
A:I began to freelance write in 2000. Writing came to me because of a ‘bet.”
Q:When did you first consider yourself a writer?
A:I think I was born a writer. A gift that has always been with in.
Q:What inspired you to write your first book?
A:The publishing contract. Giggles. I was asked, so I thought--why not.
Q:Who or what has influenced your writing?
A:My mother. She wanted to be a journalist, but ended up being a great mother instead, but she was always so creative and encouraged all of us to follow our dreams. I wrote poetry when I was younger and my mom- as all mom’s do- said it was great- but it wasn’t so much the ‘words’ it was the look in her eyes, the look of pride.
Q: How has your environment/upbringing colored your writing?
A:Of course. All great teachers tell you to write about what you do, or know well. If my parents hadn’t been free spirits I do not think I would be as free as I am with my creative process. Like any great author, I research before I write!
Q:Do you have a specific writing style?
A:Yes. Although like me I am not sure it has been labeled, other than my books are collections of short stories, each one a different fantasy. However I want the reader to project themselves into the story, and I think that is what makes my writing so popular, it may be considered a sexual fantasy, but fantasies are like dreams, if you back them up with action they become probable not impossible.
Q:What genre are you most comfortable writing?
A:Erotica. Poetry. Fun articles. Although I have written two full length romance novels that did okay, I love erotica, and that passion vibrates in my writing.
Q: How did you come up with the title?
A: Which one? For Forbidden Fruit, released this fall, the title came to me. I can not explain it I suppose; I just ‘knew’ it was the right title for this collection of erotic stories.
Q:Is there a message in your books that you want readers to grasp?
A:Absolutely! That sex is not something to be ashamed of, and that each of us have sexual fantasies, which makes us perfect- let go and embrace that wonderful side of you that is just waiting to be set free!
Q:How much of the book is realistic?
A: Every single wonderful page!
Q:Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
A: Rumor has it that every one of the stories I write are based on hands on research. I will leave it up to the readers, and old lovers to decide if that is true or not.
Q:What books have influenced your life most?
A: I have probably studied sex as much as or more than sexual therapist- giggles- I enjoy Kama Sutra and The Perfect Garden, and wonderful teachings from Ashley Thirby, Nor Hall and Linga Purana.
Q:If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
A:I couldn’t choose. I am a firm believer that you can learn from so many sources. All mentors are wonderful, and each is brought into your life to teach you differently.
Q:What book are you reading now?
A:I always have three or four on the go.
Q:What are your current projects?
A:Besides the radio show, tour, and new release? Giggles, oh…nothing!
Q:Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
A: My own core beliefs.
Q:If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Q:Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
A:When I ‘fly into the mist’ it just takes me over, I suppose I have always been what is termed now as a day dreamer, before I knew it I was reliving pleasurable events of the day in my mind, and before I knew it a story was forming that needed to burst free.
Q:Can you share a little of your current work with us?
A:Forbidden Fruit was fun to write. All of us have what I like to think of as a dark side; few sadly embrace it to discover that it is not a dark awful place after all. Within the pages of this book it was my goal to let some of those fantasies out.
Q:Would you recommend writing as a career? Why or why not?
A:No. Too many think it will be easy and that they will be famous and on Oprah. When this does not happen people become bitter and hurt.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
I find that I have the worst timing. Off I will go flying into the mist at the oddest times, once I was walking and literally walked into a hydro pole. Better that than a car hitting me I suppose.
Q: Who designed the covers?
A:Kara Elsberry. She is great!
Q:What was the hardest part of writing your book?
Q:Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
A:You are the best. Without you I am nothing!
Q:What is your ultimate goal as an author?
A:I have been blessed to reach all of my goals, I have won many awards, been given ‘celebrity status’ and reached the best sellers list more than once.
Q:Where do you see yourself in ten years?
A:Ten Years? I am happy to take it each day at a time.