Wisteria Witch
By Tilly Rivers-2007
They can not resist her power
Crave the sexual sin
Her slaves
Her puppets
Hers to command
wisteria witch
A circle of pure blue fire
Surrounds her essence
They come from around the world
To catch a glimpse of her
Watch her
Wanting her
Men, women a like
Wanting the chance to touch
Wanting the chance to join
Starving wolves -staring
Waiting for her chance
They can not come without her invitation
They gather
They watch
As the wisteria witch dances
Spell of sexual sin
Beyond anything they will ever know
Dance wisteria witch
Who are you calling tonight?
Who will be the one?
You beckon in the circle
Who will be the one?
That licks, worships, drives inside you
They have gathered
They watch
As the wisteria witch joins with him
With her- them
Their bodies wither in desire
The air fills with lust
Needing to release the uncontrollable burning pressure
Sexual desire
The flames shoot higher
They watch her feed
Watch her power
For her sexual desires
Wisteria witch I am
Come watch
Dare to touch
Come gather
Who will I pick as my partner?
Discover sexual sin
The wisteria witch-I am